Hey everyone! There's a new shop in Stardoll called OTTO!! It's only available in Deutchland (Germany)! The shop is AMAZING, it has great things available for non-ss (this will be the first time, after they've stopped the 1-stardollar-per-day campaign, that I'm going to spend more than the normal 5 stardollars in a day!!). Dresses, unfortunately, are only for ss... Click
here to get all of the clothes in your dressing room(not for free of course:p) and click on the (quite small, I have to admit!:p) image to enlarge and have a closer look at the shop! Tell us your thoughts!!
Here in England the shop hasn't come yet!
ReplyDeleteBut thanks for the link thats how i got the clothes first!
The shop will never come to england because OTTO clothes are in real life only available in Austria and Germany. So why should they advertise in a land that can#t buy those clothes?
ReplyDeleteYeah I've realised that and your right.
ReplyDeleteBut I can still buy the clothes with the link here in England, so that means we can buy them too.