Saturday, 5 December 2009

FREE Black Star Tree!!!

There's a FREE Pink Christmas Tree from the BlackStar campaign in Stardoll! US members can get it simply by logging in to Stardoll. If you are not from the USA then
  1. Go to
  2. Write into the URL bar
  3. Log in to Stardoll and then close the window

When you go back to your suite you'll find 3 gifts! Don't be too excited though!:p In the bag you'll find the tree (the link on the tree takes you to StarDesign-but you need a proxy to do that). In the large red box you'll find a Tinkerbell poster(see the picture-again you need a proxy to use the link and watch a video). The small, normal gift box has another label that takes to Stardoll Cinema (again proxy is needed!). That's all folks!!

Hugs and Kisses


  1. Is it still working?
    Because it won't work for me?

  2. you can try using another proxy such us or OR you can try using a US manual proxy!

  3. Oh Ok!
    Thanks! it works now! =]
